These links allow you to download slides and video from various presentations
I have given:
All work done by me and not otherwise restricted in these
presentations are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License, videos, figures reproduced
from other sources (including those which have occurred in my own publications), and other material may have other restrictions.
If you are looking for videos of me (or colleagues) speaking rather than slides, here are the links for talks where the video has been posted
INQA 2024 (invited) talk on Understanding and improving quantum annealing
AQC 2022 (invited) talk on Understanding how quantum annealing solves problems
APS World Quantum Day 2022 talk on teaching quantum computing with video games and card games
AQC 2021 talk on the domain-wall encoding technique (my talk starts at 32:30)
Zaiku group (2021) talk on the domain-wall encoding technique crowdcast or youtube
D-Wave Qubits 2020 talk on the effect of reduced noise on the range of annealing search
Zaiku group (2020) talk on optimisation by fast quantum quenches and quantum walks, and practical quantum computing, crowdcast or youtube
Erwin Schrodinger institute talk (2019) about optimisation by fast quantum quenches and quantum walks
AQC 2019 talk on solution robustness, the domain wall encoding, and future work
AQC 2018 talk (invited) on hybrid quantum computing
AQC 2016 talk on computing and simulation with the Ising model
AQC 2014 talk on Early D-Wave experiments (Note: we now know that the origin of the U-shape is order-by-disorder, see AQC 2015 slides and arXiv:2006.07685 )
Talks from my colleague Viv Kendon which includes work I collaborated on can be found here
...and here is a list of everything
INQA 2024 (invited) talk on Understanding and improving quantum annealing pdf slides
Slides Introducing Myself as a new member of staff at Newcastle, talks in AMBER group of the School of Computing , Physics
Slides for
Juelich Spring School on quantum information processing 2023
, School talk , associated research talk
Slides for
International Network for Quantum Annealing Conference 2022
on Quantum Annealing: from theory to practice
Slides for
Quantum Computing - SciFi or the Future of Finance?
talk hosted by Professional Risk Managers' International Association on Quantum Annealing: Theory, Applications & Latest Advances
Slides for AQC 2022 talk on understanding how quantum annealing solves problems ( recording )
Slides for Scientific applications of quantum annealers 2022 talk on understanding how quantum annealing solves problems
Slides for 2022 Open University seminar on continuous time quantum computing beyond adiabatic
Slides for APS World Quantum Day 2022 talk on teaching quantum computing with video games and card games
Queen's University Belfast seminar on optimisation by rapid quantum quenches ( pdf )
HPC 2021 talk on domain wall encoding ( pdf )
AQC 2021 talk on the domain-wall encoding technique (my talk starts at 32:30) ( pdf )
Presentation given remotely to Zaiku group on the domain-wall encoding technique ( pdf ) ( video on crowdcast ) ( video on youtube )
Presentation given remotely to Zaiku group on optimisation by fast quantum quenches and quantum walks, and practical quantum computing ( pdf ) ( video on crowdcast ) ( video on youtube )
Presentation given at the Durham IPPP quantum seminar ( pdf )
Presentation given at the Durham ACiD seminar ( pdf )
Presentation given at the Erwin Schrodinger institute Quantum Simulation-from Theory to Application thematic program about optimisation by fast quantum quenches and quantum walks ( pdf ) ( video )
Presentation given at the Royal Society Continuous-time quantum computing and simulation: perspectives and challenges workshop at Chicheley hall about optimisation by fast quantum quenches and quantum walks ( pdf )
Presentation given at the IDAS launch event in Durham introducing our group ( pdf )
Presentation given at CIE 2019 in Durham on novel ways of using quantum annealing ( pdf )
Presentation given at AQC 2019 in Innsbruck on solution robustness, the domain wall encoding, and future work ( pdf )( video)( video of Viv Kendon's talk)
Presentation given at TOPQC 2019 in Cetraro Italy on the next generation of quantum algorithms ( pdf )
Presentation given at Scientific Applications of Quantum Computing at the London School of Economics about applied quantum optimisation and the difference between convex and non-convex applications( pdf )
Presentation about quantum computing work in Durham QLM given at Durham advanced research computing launch event 2019( pdf )
Presentation given at BCTCS 2019 in Durham( pdf )
Presentation given at University of Zagreb QuantiXLie seminar 2018( pdf )
Presentation from DLR (German aerospace research center) workshop in 2018 ( pdf )
Presentation from 2018 visit to D-Wave Systems Inc. including discussion of quantum annealing for quantum error correction ( pdf )
AQC 2018 invited talk on hybrid quantum computing ( pdf )( video )
Qubits Europe talk on hybrid quantum annealing ( pdf )
Oxford-MAN institute talk on hybrid quantum annealing ( pdf )
EMiT@CIUK 2017 talk on hybrid quantum annealing ( pdf )
Northern Quantum meeting 2 (2017) talk on hybrid AQC/Quantum Walk algorithms ( pdf )
Internal Durham University presentation about the connection between STIRAP and searching ( pdf )
Internal Durham University presentation introducing the subject of quantum annealing (pdf)
Physics and Computing 2016 presentation on hybrid computing using quantum annealers (pdf)
AQC 2016 presentation on computing and simulation with the Ising model (pdf) (video)
AQC 2015 presentation about quantum annealing on spin chains (pdf)
Interview talk for Durham University about experimental proposals and hybrid computing with quantum annealers (pdf)
AQC 2014 presentation (pdf) (video) (Note: we now know that the origin of the U-shape is order-by-disorder, see AQC 2015 presentation)
Presentation given at the Wilkinson Public Library (Telluride CO) about the BB84 protocol (pdf)
Presentation reviewing the paper Can one hear the shape of a drum? by Mark Kac (pdf)
Qualifying exam critical review of the paper Quantum annealing with manufactured spins by M.W. Johnson et. al. (pdf of slideshow) (pdf of document)
Thesis Defense (pdf)
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Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.