Recreational Math Plots:
The following plots are plots which I have made recreationally (i.e.
with no clear research purpose) on my free time, feel free to reproduce
and re-use however you want as long as you credit me (Nicholas
Chancellor) with their creation, giving a link back to this website is
always nice too, but you don't have to. Modification of anything
presented here is also allowed, as long as you license those works
similarly. This qualifies as a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Any code linked here is also under the same license.
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Bifurcation diagrams produced using the GNU Octave code which can be downloaded by following this link:

Animated .gif of bifurcation made using Wolfram Mathematica:

Mandelbrot and Julia fractals produced using the Fraqtive plotting software:

Animated .gif Images of Julia sets Created with Wolfram Mathematica:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.