Explanation of Image:
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This image is from the paper 'Maximum-Entropy Inference with a
Programmable Annealer'. This image is based on temperature dependent
'spin-sign transitions' which are expected to occur for certain qubits
at temperatures which can be calculated. The figures display the
density of these transitions versus the 'transition temperature' and
the probability of reaching a result consistent with a low temperature.
The upper plot is for the D-Wave device based at the USC Information Science Institute
(ISI), and the bottom plot is the theoretical expectation from sampling
a Boltzmann distribution with a finite number of samples. The dashed
lines represent values where the direction of the bit can be determined
with 95% certainty.
This data suggests that these devices may be useful for 'maximum
entropy' computational tasks in which useful information is extracted
from the excited states as well as the ground state(s) of the
underlying Ising model.
Previous Images:
Propagation of Disturbances in Degenerate Quantum Systems